On cocos2d-x the
back button isn’t default available you must code for it, and on windows phone
and android are difference about back button code. In this Tip I’ll help you
handle back button on both. Now let do it!
+) I’ll guide
on windows phone first
- First you create
a new project and open wp8 project (I’m using cocos2d-x 3.4).
If you have error like this:
You need do add cocos2d namespace by : using cocos2d; anh then go BUILD -> Clean Solution
- Go to MainPage.xaml.cs we will look it for a
You will see this method
protected override void OnBackKeyPress(CancelEventArgs e) { m_d3dInterop.OnBackKeyPress(); // cocos2d-x will async send Cocos2dEvent.TerminateApp event if it is time to exit app. // We do not want to exit now, so we set e.Cancel to true. e.Cancel = true; }
Well, when you press back button on windows phone it will call
OnBackKeyPress() in m_d3dInterop
Object and m_d3dInterop
is an instance of Direct3Dinterop we will find and
code on this Object.
- Find Direct3Dinterop and Handle back button
Solution Explorer (View -> Solution Explorer), find your C++ component
(default it under C# project) expand src
folder and you will see Direct3Dinterop Object then open it and find OnBackKeyPress() method. Because we can have a lot of Scene and you
will want to handle back button for each scene so we will create class BackPressed to solve this.
-Create class BackPressed and inherit it
create BackPressed class in HelloWorldScene.h
file like this:
class BackPressed { public: static BackPressed *myptr; BackPressed() { myptr = this; } virtual void backPressCalled() { } static BackPressed *getInstance() { return myptr; } };
in HelloWorldScene.cpp don’t forget
do it with static variable
BackPressed* BackPressed::myptr = nullptr;
to Scene which you want to handle back button and inherit class BackPressed,
with me I use HelloWorld class to inherit it.
class HelloWorld : public cocos2d::Layer, public BackPressed
then override backPressCalled() method
void backPressCalled();
void HelloWorld::backPressCalled() { //TODO code here }
I think you maybe want to exit Windows phone application when press back
button. If you want to do it read this post to know how to call C# from C++ and
you just need code on C#:
+) On android
On android handling back
button is easily. You just override method:
void onKeyReleased(EventKeyboard::KeyCode keyCode, Event *event);
and code on it:
void PlayScene::onKeyReleased(EventKeyboard::KeyCode keyCode, Event *event) { if (keyCode == EventKeyboard::KeyCode::KEY_BACK) { //CODE HERE } }
and you must enable keyboard:
add this code in init() function:
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